Thursday, January 30, 2014

Student Success Statement

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Teresa
I think this statement is true because what this is trying to say is that you can be kind and everything but ones kind turns into something different then that is when she is trying to say thate echoes are truly endless. Kind works and short words are when your being respectful and not being rood. You always have to be nice before your anger turns into something endless like as it is trying to say in the statement. You should always be respectful to people because if your no then all your doing is being disrespectful and being rood.

Occupational Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities: What the Occupational Therapist do is help patients who are mentally, emotionally, or physically disabled adjust to handicaps and regain abilities to perform daily living and self-care skills.  They also work with patients to observe them, help them, and monitor their progress. They frequently design special equipment to aid patients and help with their therapy. The occupational therapists teach their patients how to adjust to work and home life after becoming disabled by injury or illness. 

Education: The students that want to become an Occupational Therapist have to take the most challenging high school math, English, science courses. All of the states require a bachelor's or master's degree that includes clinical experience and successful completion 

Salary:  $26,000 - $45,000

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? No I wouldn’t want to become an occupational therapist although it does seem like an easy job and they also get paid good but I rather would want a different job.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Student Success Statement

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." 

Charles Ketterer 
I think this statement is true becuase if you cant imagine your future them how are you going to get or make the future you want. You have to create your future because then your not going to find any future. For example you actually know what you want to be when you grow up and if you dont then how is that going to lead you to your future. You should always predict what you want your future to look like dont go by what others say make your own future.

Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: They supervise personnel, medical, financial, and nursing administration. Some of them work in nursing homes, and others work for large corporations that control many facilities.  Some are also involved in teaching and research.

Salary:  $40,000 - $55,000 

Education: Students should take challenging high school courses in math, English, science, and business. Some of the states require nursing home administrators to have at least a bachelor's degree in nursing home administration, and have complete an additional internship program, and also have pass a comprehensive examination. 

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Reflection: Would you like to be a nursing home administrator? Why? Why not? This job looks like a good job to work in but I wouldn’t actually like to work as that because I already have a job that I would like to work on.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Student Success Statement

"Be cool in school-live every rule."
I think what this statement is trying to say is that you have to make the right choices to become what you want to become. You have to make the right decisions to live every rule and have positive problems because if you decide to go to the wrong way the only thing that is going to bring is problems and problems that theres going to be a point were your just use to them you wont care about them anymore. 

School-Wide Assembly

The school-wide assembly was about all the teachers acting out in front of all the students and they were giving us a theme. They actually act how mostly all the students from high school act to there teachers. I really want to thank the teachers for showing us this theme and i honestly had a great time in the assembly because they werent just showing us a theme but at the same time making everyone laugh. What i learned about the acting out in the assembly was always come early to school help others when you know they need your help, always wear your uniform dont reply back to the teacher in a mean way. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Student Success Statement

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
Pablo Picasso
I think this is true because you are the one that leads yourself to the path you want whether its achievement or not you are the one that decided you goals and nobody else. You are the one that chooses whether you want to do good and have a positive life because if you decide to do bad then that will just bring you problems.

Progress Report

So far in my progress i been assigned to do 100 goals. So far one of my goals this year is to meet my favorite singer and take a picture with him. So far i think im going to accomplish it because the only way to get to meet him is by doing good at school and getting good grades so my mom could buy me a meet and greet. One of my goals that i want to also accomplish is going to an island this year during summer, i want to go out to a trip far from were i live. 

Pyramid Healing

Define Pyramid Healing: Pyramid healing is an alternative healing practice and that is based on the shape that the pyramid provides.

Aspects of Pyramid Healing: the aspects are it’s trying to say the tapping into the healing energy that surrounds every living thing. Sometimes this is used to help people relax and others use candles or incense to accomplish the same end. Others include other elements that are understood to help heal the mind and spirit as well as the body.

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to try Pyramid 
Healing? No because I don’t think that I would need that but some people might say yes to this because they do want to see themselves relax.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Glenn Cunningham

Glenn Cunningham 
Glenn Cunningham was only eight when he and his brother that was thirteen had an accident. Someone put gasoline instead of kerosene in the can at school. This made a explosion making Glenn Cunningham's legs very badly burned. His brother Floyd died in that explosion. The doctors recommended amputating Glenn leg. The parents then said that they werent going to let that happen after 2 years of the accident Glenn continue to walk but unnormal and that was how he was going to be for the rest of his life. He then got olympians awards. 

Student Success Statement

"Adversity causes some men to break--others to break records."
William A. Ward
I think this statement is true because adversity or difficulty makes some men not accomplish there goals and some of them do accomlish them and they even break record with there accoplishment. For example some students in school decided to not do good at school and that makes them break and not accomplish anything, and some students do very well in school that they even break records on accomplishing what they want. 

Monitor Surveillance Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: Monitor surveillance technician they identify heart pattern changes and abnormalities. They also Gather and report heart pattern information on patients. They also clean and maintain equipment, wiring systems, and battery packs.

Salary: $26,000 - $41,000

Education: Students that want to be monitor surveillance technician should take math, science, and computer technology courses in high school. They may enter or join in training programs at vocational schools, community colleges, or hospitals.  

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Reflection: I would like to be a monitor surveillance technician because it seems like a good work to work on and there salary is very good

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Student Success Statement

"The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves ."
I think that this statment is true because you can believe in yourself and you can also help others when they need your help. An example could be that someone needs your help on a problem you can also help them solve them. You should always make sure you believe in yourself and help others when they need your help.

Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities: The science librarian helps practitioners find the information they need for patient care, education, research, and administration. They also collect and organize medical information.
Salary: $20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians) 
$35,000 - $55,000 (Librarians) 
Education: Students should take challenging high school courses in science, math, and English. Mostly all prefer that students complete library technician programs at a community college or technical school. Health Science Librarians should earn an undergraduate degree, and must earn a master's degree in library science from a program that is accredited by the American Library Association. 
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I wouldn’t like to be this but it seems like a good job to work as and the salary they earn is really good.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Clinical Laboratory Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: The clinical laboratories are also referred to as Medical Laboratory Technicians or Medical Technologists.  Both perform laboratory work to identify, diagnose, and treat diseases. The types of things they use microscopes, laboratory equipment, chemicals and computers to perform laboratory procedures.  
Salary: $20,000 - $28,000 
Education: Students must take the most challenging courses is science, math and English. A bachelor's degree is required to become a clinical technologist. Some specialized training to advance their careers in clinical chemistry, blood banking, and microbiology.
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Refection: I wouldn’t want to become this although it does seem like a good job and it pays really good.